Noah’s Ark Montessori School


Noah’s Ark Montessori is a Christian-Based Early Childhood Program encouraging children:

  • to mature at their own pace
  • to learn life-long habits
  • to develop as individuals that need nurturing and encouragement

All while being respected as an individual in a safe, and caring environment.

We are located in the heart of Enumclaw, Washington and closely follow the Enumclaw school district calendar.

Our students range between 3-5 years old.

What is Montessori

Maria Montessori was the first female medical doctor in Italy. She practiced medicine at a school for mentally delayed children. Her method of education was so effective the children achieved their regular grade level in one year. She spent 10 years of research using Dr. Ittard and Dr. Sequin’s influence to develop a school to reach children at their peak of interest. We use the Montessori Method to capture the child, draw their interest out in such a way that the result is independence and self motivation.


The Montessori Method is the belief that the child possesses a sensitivity. This method allows the child to absorb and learn from their environment. We also encourage the child’s inner spirituality as a way to see the world in which we live. We present “The Child and Faith” presentations with simple verses and stories of the Bible. We pray at snack, and for our children’s needs. We have weekly circle plans with a science, practical life, and history.

Engaging Environment

We have provided a visual display and separate work for the children that will engage their desire to do each task. We feel the work is the expression of Maria Montessori’s research and captures the children’s interests at the peak of their learning cycle.