In the spirit of helping people to utilize their gifts to meet needs in a community, Collide is a small church that grew out of the desire for individuals to use their gifts in a church environment. What started as a house church has grown a little beyond those walls in a community north of Enumclaw (Cumberland) where there currently is no church location.
The name “Collide” was determined after many discussions about the church wanting to be a place where a person comes in direct contact with God with some sense of “impact is evident.” At Collide, they really want you to come as you are (yes, it is extremely informal!) and you don’t have to put on a mask as to “having it all together” because we all know we are a just a group of people trying to figure out what it is be a “Christ follower” in this place. And to help with that process, we do things a little different (kind of like they did in Acts when the “church” first started) so we gather at 4:00 to have dinner together (yes, the potluck dates back to the first century!) and that is really our version of “meet and greet” we just modified it to “meet – greet- and eat!). The service is throughout and wants to be a bit organic in that each week may be a little bit different…..
There is nothing weird going on…unless you count it weird that a group of people could really care for one another, pray for one another, and serve Jesus with reckless abandon. We strive to not be just a place that people show up but we are a group that believes in reaching out to the community whether by our Beer & Bible at the local tavern on Tuesday evenings 6-8, or by providing a worship service to the Enumclaw nursing home/rehab center on Sunday mornings, or the host of other places that Collide people serve…we are a church that strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus.