One Person’s Junk Might Be The Answer!

We continue to preach the slogan, “everyone can do something” because, well…it is true. Let me give you another example. Recently I was made aware of a troubled youth. For reasons that I won’t go into here, he has been tagged by the school as a problem child. His...

A Challenging Morning…

A few days ago, I put out a request for some additional funding towards soccer balls for Heavenly Goals in Uganda. And I know that everyone is overwhelmed at this moment…lots and lots of organizations asking for end of year gifts (I know, I’m guilty of that too!) and...

Take a Break!

It is the week before Christmas and all through the house… Okay, I’d love to spend the time to write a cute poem…tying in the holiday themes, a quick gospel message, something to make everyone feel good…but to be honest, it just seems too, well, too much right now. It...

A Yard Half Covered

  I love snow! I love when everything is transformed into the winter wonderland of clean, bright, and so quiet you can hear your own thoughts! I just love it. But when there is only a little snow…the grass still comes through…the leaves are still exposed…and if...

Plugged In, Not Charging

  Do you ever have those days when it is just difficult to get things done? You start out in one direction but then get bogged down because of “stuff” that just gets in the way? The stress of the “to do list” is building while the list just gets longer…yes…that...