Can We Talk?

We all have those experiences we will remember for a lifetime. Sitting with my son in a beer garden in Germany, with a few thousand closest friends, during the 2006 World Cup hosted by Germany is on my list. My son was of an age it was important for him to begin to...

What to do with End of Year Reflections

The end of the year and the beginning of a new one can certainly cause people to stop and reflect on their past year, their current situation, and for that matter, their entire lives. There is something about the season which generates reflection. I like that word...

Because of the Pile!

It is the day before the day before Christmas…I know there are easier ways to say that but I like how it rolls off the tongue…almost poetic. As I type, I looking at the pile of things on my desk…and beyond that, the pile of things that I need to wrap. And to be...

It is a wonderful world!

Last night I was able to watch a portion of a parade for the Lantern Festival here in Thailand. Although raining, it was beautiful in many ways. So for today’s thought, I’m reminding us all what a beautiful world our God has given us!...

2014 WonGen News Update!

2014 is already starting as an amazing year for WonGeneration. The past two months of 2013 opened up such incredible potential and possibility and it seems that God is opening doors and smoothing paths as we move forward on several fronts. At times our story seems a...

Post with Slider

Donec eget purus in arcu tristique laoreet a sed sapien. Cras eu accumsan nisi, a adipiscing diam. Suspendisse in metus massa. Etiam convallis porta quam, ac facilisis orci interdum a. Nam at sem sit amet nisi pulvinar bibendum. Fusce fringilla tortor purus, at...